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A Cure For Waiting Room Boredom

It is no secret many medical offices suffer from waiting room boredom. A few years ago, Kyle Piechucki was one of the numerous individuals who found himself twiddling his thumbs while waiting for a turn with the doctor. For Piechucki, waiting was so boring he decided to do something about it.

Today, Piechucki is president and CEO of his own company, InfoSlate. A handheld device, InfoSlate was designed to help patients pass the time. The thin, touch-screen tablet utilizes a wireless Internet connection to provide patients with Internet access and basic information on medical conditions and treatments. The tablet also serves as a forum for marketers to campaign target audiences.

According to InfoSlate's Web site, waiting is one of the most dissatisfying events during a patient's medical visit. InfoSlate was created with this in mind. A primary objective of the device is to provide an entertaining medium that distracts patients and allows advertisers to target the demographic of their choice.

Along with InfoSlate, another common cure for waiting-room boredom is digital screens. Healthy Advice Networks provides several waiting room programs. Overall, the programs feature a soundless presentation on a flat screen monitor. A wall-mounted brochure rack that contains free patient-education documents provided by the programs' corresponding sponsors accompanies the monitor.
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