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Personal Digital Assistant-Information At Your Fingertips

Personal Digital Assistant or PDA, is a physicians secret weapon.  This compact, little device allows doctors on the go access to  myriad applications.  From, a simple daily agenda to accessing reference material.  These devices have become something no doctor wants to be without.

A recent survey shows that over half of American doctors carry a PDA.  In fact, they have become such an integral part of the doctor's diagnostic routine that many medical schools now require students to have a PDA.

While there are several manufacturers, no matter what brand or style, they all provide what today's busy doctor demands; quick and easy access to information.

This quick access to information is very important.  As many, doctors find themselves rotating among several different locations in the course of one day.  Their PDA provides access to both patient information and reference material at the touch of a button. 

With a PDA, the doctor is able to view a patient's record from any location.  Also, a doctor equipped with a PDA can update a patient's file while meeting with the patient.  Not only that but, doctors rely on their PDA for information about medicine dosage and drug interactions.  In fact, studies show that one of the leading uses for the PDA is to confirm that a patient is receiving a correct dosage.

Another time saving function of the PDA is electronic prescriptions.   Now, physicians are able to send out prescriptions directly to the pharmacy without leaving the examining room.   

The PDA also makes it easy to access to specific reference material.  For example, a pediatrician can have immediate access to the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) authoritative guidelines for pediatric care, giving the physician the resources to make more informed diagnosis. 

Not only does the PDA help doctors with referencing material, it also helps them organize their own material.  Many software companies offer a vast array of physician friendly software, customized for many tasks such as; customizable databases-which can track specific patient information, programs for performing specific calculations, or the ability to organize all the various medical billing codes for insurance.

With each time saving innovation, the PDA becomes more then just a handheld device. It becomes a partner with the doctor helping provide the best care possible.

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