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MacPractice Launches Clipboard iPad Apps

MacPractice, an Apple developer of practice management and clinical software for doctors’ offices on Macs, iPhones, and iPads, has launched MacPractice MD, DDS, DC, and 20/20 Clipboard iPad Apps that streamline patient registration. It leverages the efficiency and ease of use of Apple’s latest innovation to save time and reduce the risk of data entry errors.

The data entered by patients who complete and sign registration forms in the Clipboard App on the iPad is automatically incorporated into the patient’s account in MacPractice MD, DDS, DC, or 20/20 v. 4.1 on the desktop. Insurance information can be reviewed by office staff. MacPractice Clipboard Apps not only streamline the registration process, save paper and staff time, but also reduce the risk of data-entry errors due to illegible handwriting.

Patients may also complete and sign HIPAA consent and release forms which are associated then with the patient in MacPractice Attachments on the desktop.

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