Doctor Invents 3D Printed Stethoscope
Medical supply shortages in the Gaza Strip drove a Palestinian-Canadian doctor to create a stethoscope that can be printed using a 3D printer, reports CBC. The stethoscope costs just $2.50 to make, and its inventor believes it will go a long way to alleviating the medical supply shortage in impoverished areas such as Gaza.
Read the full article from CBC.
Pennsylvania Doctors Make House Calls
Doctors from the Pinnacle Healthcare System in Harrisburg routinely make house calls. The doctors focus on six housing complexes with a high concentration of elderly and disabled. The doctors make the visits with a registered nurse and do everything from routine check ups to securing transportation to get patients admitted to the hospital. Read the full article from Penn Live.
Denver VA Finally Gets Physician
After a five month wait, veterans in San Luis valley will finally have a physician. The doctor shortage led to the Alamosa VA Clinic going without a full-time physician since April of 2015. Read the full article from The Denver Post.