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Peerless Industries Expands Into Healthcare Market

Peerless, which produces audio and visual solutions, announced its formal expansion into the healthcare market with the launch of the PeerCare brand of highly adaptable fixed and mobile IT product mounting solutions for both traditional and emerging computing platforms within healthcare IT.

Peerless’ initial line of Trade Agreements Act (TAA)-compliant products include:

  • The PeerCare™ Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Hybrid Cart optimized for iPad and Android tablet platforms
  • Adaptive, fully articulating and high-traffic-area wall systems, including a low profile unit deployable in space constrained areas like hallways
  • The PeerCare™ Enclosure Pod, a lockable unibody constructed design that secures and protects IT equipment accommodating both PeerCare™ and competing wall systems to prevent unauthorized access

Peerless also unveiled PeerCare™ Antimicrobial Mounting Solutions, the industry’s first antimicrobial fixed and articulating wall and ceiling mount solutions to use Agion®-branded coatings, long-known for its infection control properties.

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