With emerging mobile technologies, tens of thousands of clinical applications have been downloaded onto iPhones, BlackBerrys and other smart phones and tablets. Whether incorporated into an organization's information system or independent of it, these applications provide valuable tools for clinicians worldwide. Many clinicians report that these applications help them daily and that they could not provide the same level of care without them.
mHealth Initiative, headquartered in Boston MA, is the leading organization in the field of mHealth, which includes new communication patterns and portable handheld software applications for clinicians and patients. "We particularly want to recognize the adoption of mobile apps in nursing as this important component of healthcare is often overlooked," noted Claudia Tessier, President of mHealth Initiative.
Nursing applications with mobile devices cover the fields of patient education, communication (e.g., patient-practitioner, practitioner-practitioner, and patient-payer), collaboration among clinicians, telehealth, mentoring, mApps for clinical applications in hospitals, mApps for long-term care, and mApps unique to a device. Clinical tool applications include drug databases; medical calculators; reference programs; decision support tools; tracking vitals (blood pressure, weight, etc.); patient history access, management, and documentation; and payer tools (coding, eligibility determination, etc.). "The use of clinical apps on mobile communication and computing device is a quiet revolution" says C. Peter Waegemann, Vice President of mHealth Initiative. "We want to bring attention to this paradigm shift in health informatics with the support of Brandman University School of Nursing and Health Professions and their nursing program."
Applicants are encouraged to complete a simple online submission form. Submissions will be acknowledged at the 2nd mHealth Conference, September 8-9, 2010 in San Diego, CA. For more information, contact C. Peter Waegemann at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 617-642-0010.
About Brandman University School of Nursing and Health Professions:
Focused on inquiry-based, patient-centered, collaborative and innovative practice, (SNaHP) Brandman University School of Nursing and Health Professions prepares health care professionals to access and evaluate evidence, and implement care based on best practices in a health care environment characterized by constant innovation.