Pam Baker
Scanning - Paper to Bits
- Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Given the pressures to convert from paper systems to EMRs, document scanners are quickly becoming the new indispensible item in the doctor’s office. “Inevitably, there is going to be paper or documentation that needs to be scanned and integrated into a patient record that includes registration, insurance, clinical notes, lab, radiology, prescription, referral notes, etc,” says Scott C. McCabe, chief operating officer at IMR. ‘The list of information that is not native to the EMR is endless.”
Cell Phones for Doctors
- Monday, 20 July 2009
Doctors have been glued to cell phones since their inception. They are not, however, so bonded to their computers. Now that the two are converging, which handsets and which apps are the winners among the white-coats? In handsets, it’s a muddied draw. While many doctors are still carrying cell phones with only basic texting and email capabilities, the Blackberry and the iPhone are the top choices for doctors looking to maximize their profits and minimize their liabilities on the run.
Internet-Based Phone Systems for Doctors
- Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Amongst all the hubbub about new technologies in the doctor’s office lies the buzz about new Internet-based (IP) telephone systems for the doctor’s office. But is this another cash-hog technology or is it something that can really benefit doctors? To answer that question, first you need to know what it is, how it works and what that means to you and your practice.
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Jan 07 2009
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