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Doctors Beware!!

We are a Family Practice clinic and have been using Waiting Room Solutions since July 2011. I would not recommend this EMR for anyone who is trying to enhance patient care or improve productivity. Prior to purchasing this EMR we had evaluated approximately 10 others that were geared towards small sized clinics. We chose WRS due to it's price and the functionality that they claimed it possessed. After trying the software in our clinic however, we felt that we had been taken by a used car salesman. This system inherently has numerous frustrating features, some of which I will review. Again these are only the tip of the iceberg, and many other flaws exist that are too numerous to review: 1. We were specifically promised that the entire note template was customizable to our preference. The first week I asked for a template that would better correspond with my style of note taking and my response waas that their IT refuses to create any new templates unless a provider's documentation is significantly hindered. Needless to say we had to adapt to their pre-existing templates. 2. We also were promised that dragon speak could be used anywhere that there was an empty box. We explicity explained that one of our providers uses dragonspeak and we were assured that there would not be a problem. After we purchased the software, he discovered that dragonspeak could only be used in a couple of specific areas of the note. When we confronted the company they stated that a new version would allow what we were promised it already did. Eleven months later and we are still waiting. 3. Seven months ago we were ready to link up with area labs so that we could order and receive labs through the EMR. We are still waiting for this to be accomplished. They even made one of our technicians go through online training and pass a quiz on how their bi-directional H7 linkup worked.......We only want to use the system, not get a degree in computer science. 4. Their coding module is the worst that our coder has ever seen. We have lost a significant amount of money due to this system's inept design. We have shown this system to other coders who agree that it is terrible. Interestingly we were contacted by the company who offered to take over our billing for 7% of our income. We refused, and soon after we discovered that many of our claims were denied because WRS had entered the wrong insurance addresses in the system. When we contacted the company they stated, "Well we offered to take over your billing. Just because a claim passes through the clearing house as clean doesn't mean that it is actually clean!" Really?????? 5. The inter-office communication and medication refill requests are so bad that I cannot explain it here. Just ask them to see how it works if you are coonsidering falling victim to this EMR. 6. Other problems include, but are not limited to being kicked out of the system multiple times during the day, excessive clicks to perform anything, (like having to click 4 tabs just to print a prescription) and the lack of autosave when switching to different screens, (consequently many notes have beeen lost. Yiou will learn to hit save hundreds of times each day in fear of losing notes.) Also it arbitratrily signs notes while you are working on them. You then cannot get back in to make changes. Better yet, sometimes a note will just disappear while you are typing it up. 7. No provider that we have discussed this EMR with can believe that it does not even allow a user to crreate a favorites list of medications. These are just some of the annoyances and defficiencies that make our life a living hell since getting WRS. I spent over 150 hours trying to input codes and personalize the system for our providers, but I have given up, as there is only so much you can do to keep a sinking ship afloat. I have used EMR's in the past in the miltary and I am aware of the capability to ease the burdens of providers and increase productivity thyat a quality EMR can provide. WRS is not one of these systems I assure you. The most annoying part of the entire system is the lack of customer support. You have to create tickets to address problems and answers can take forever. We still have open tickets from september 2011. To sum it up, you get what you pay for,. I would not recommend this sytem for anyone. It may work well for some subspecialtiss that only see one problem at a time and do not write for many medications, but it is a disaster for family practice.
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