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DoctorsPartner EMR

DoctorsPartner EMR ( has many built in features to streamline the day to day operations of any size medical practice. This system is easy to learn and designed for the user to be able to easily navigate between modules. DoctorsPartner is designed to improve patient care and clinical documentation.

In Use
From the Main Menu the user can navigate the system by using icon buttons or the drop down menu located on the right hand side. This is a complete system that handles all aspects of a patient visit, from the front desk to the back end. A user can enter patient information and demographics easily into the system. It has a built in appointment scheduler, image and document management tools and an electronic prescription writer.

The system also has a built in call center that helps manage the various calls that come into a medical practice on a daily basis. The layout is designed to make the work flow run more efficiently through each patient visit. In the Clinician Menu the picture icons or side bar can be used to document the visit, review and update patient’s chart, call in prescriptions, and create reports. Every aspect of every patient visit can be documented using the DoctorsPartner EMR program.

Technology employed
DoctorsPartner is a web based Electronic Medical Record system that is called a hybrid option or locally hosted system. The web server is located in your office; all data and information go through the office server which keeps it secure. You can remotely access your server through a computer with Internet access.

Ease of use, configuration, and deployment
This software is easy to use and learn. DoctorsPartner’s trained associates will help you configure and deploy the software over the internet. Onsite partner implementation and training is also available for an additional cost. There is free online training available, support and upgrades are included in the monthly fee.

DoctorsPartner EMR is a versatile program that handles all aspects of patient documentation. It has multiple modules that can handle everything from documenting phone calls to billing. It can be used by more than one physician and is customizable. The administrator can control the access  each individual staff member has to the system.

Pricing for DoctorsPartner is based upon the number of providers. The system includes unlimited fee free licenses for support staff. There is a onetime web implementation fee of $3,000 pre provider and it is $350 per month for each provider. There are volume discounts available too. There are also additional options that can be added on for an additional cost, including, automated off site backup, code checker and drug interactions checker.

  • Excellent layout and design
  • User Friendly
  • All-in-one complete system

  • Cost of additional hardware and add-ons will boost the initial cost of the system

My Opinion
DoctorsPartner is a complete EMR system that has many built in features to make patient documentation fast and easy. I was impressed with the design and layout of this program. It was very easy to navigate through and had both icon buttons and drop down menus to choose from. This EMR can be used in any size of practice no matter the specialty and can be customized for each physician’s specialty.
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