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Taking the Errors Out of Patient Records

Duplicate records not only take up needed space, but they can lead to errors in patient care. With e-MDs Solution Series, all the modules seamlessly integrate with each other. Thus, eliminating duplicate entries. This, in turn, prevents duplicate records.

The e-MDs Solution Series covers the entire cycle of a patient encounter -- from scheduling and charting a visit to billing. As each step is completed, the module feeds information into the next module, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry.

In addition to the main electronic record system, e-Mds Solution Series has additional components designed specifically to make recordkeeping easy. For instance, Fast Forms makes collecting patient data easy. Fast Forms is a bar-coded paper form that the patient fills out. After the patient completes the form, it is scanned into the record system. The system translates the lay terms on the form into medical terminology and transfers it directly to the patient’s record.

TaskMan is an integrated messaging and tasking feature that works with both the Chart and DocMan modules. It is similar to an e-mail program and it lets users send electronic messages or assign tasks to users within the system. Not only can messages be sent from an individual patient’s charts, but also from DocMan. Using DocMan to send a message gives physicians the ability to send tasks and messages with attached medical records, notes and images.

RuleManager is a Clinical Rules Engine that automatically informs the doctor about a patient's preventive health, disease management, medication management or immunization needs. With Rules Manager, a patient’s upcoming or overdue items are flagged and brought to the doctor’s attention. The goal of the RulesManager is to improve the patient’s care.

It uses evidenced-based clinical practice guidelines and is customizable. Doctors can set the feature to update them on demand or set a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for updates.

e-Mds includes a coding function, the e-MDs Search ICD-9. This is an extensive online database of ICD-9 billing codes, which eliminates the need for searching through an enormous coding reference book. The search function uses a series of linked-search keywords and physicians can customize the search feature using their own keywords, including abbreviations, acronyms, or internal codes.

The search feature not only includes the current year, but prior years also.  It is possible to pre-select favorite billing codes and find them quickly using the "short search" option.

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