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Tracking Meaningful Use

The financial incentives to use a certified electronic health record system are driving more doctors and healthcare institutions to install electronic health records. However, in order to receive the benefits, the systems must be used in a meaningful way.

With such an emphasis placed on Meaningful Use, doctors and administrators need a way to stay on top of compliance. This can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Often, by the time a doctor has a chance to review meaningful use reports generated by the system, it is too late to take corrective action.

Now AirStrip has a way for doctors to stay on top of meaningful use. Long known for its mHealth platforms, which allow doctors to use mobile technology to monitor patients from anywhere, AirStrip has added a Meaningful Use Tracker that runs with the existing mobile patient monitoring solutions.

AirStrip’s Meaningful Use Tracker is a vendor-neutral compliance tool. It allows doctors and administrators to follow electronic health record usage either in a single department or at multiple facilities.

It can also be used by healthcare organization with facilities in different regions. Whether or not the locations are running the same electronic health record systems, AirStrip has designed the Meaningful Use Tracker to accommodate future changes to Meaningful Use requirements. With the Meaningful Use Tracker, doctors see their Meaningful Use in real time. The solution also includes a customizable dashboard with daily analytics.

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