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Tech Tip: An App That Helps Weed Through Countless Medical Apps

Many patients and doctors see the value in using a mobile health application or device as part of a healthy lifestyle. But there are more than 100,000 mobile health apps and devices on the market today. So, how do you weed out the good from the bad?

Patients often rely on their doctors to prescribe an app that is beneficial, not harmful. With so many apps available, it can be challenging for medical professional to stay on top of the ever expanding market. And, most importantly, ensure that they are prescribing the right app for their patients.

AppScript from IMS Health may be a solution worth exploring for doctors. This mobile health tool helps doctors recommend not only apps, but also devices and content. The apps can improve a patient’s health and boost outcomes. It can also improve patient engagement and patient satisfaction.

In practice, AppScript is essentially an app that reviews other apps. Technically, AppScript is a software-as-a-service solution, which means you don’t have to invest in any costly hardware or any new devices. The platform works with your existing devices. In fact, doctors can even log in with their Doximity account.

Let AppScript Do All the Work for You

It evaluates the mobile health apps available for download -- both those for iOS and Android. Next, the apps are assessed using IMS Health’s proprietary Health App Score. The scoring system ranks the apps based on several criteria, including functionality, patient and peer reviews and potential to improve care.

Users can then organize the apps based on individual practice demographics to create their own mHealth formulary. Use AppScript to prescribe the appropriate health app for patients. Then use AppScript to track how those patients use the app.

It also allows users to send customized messages to individual patients regarding their use of the prescribed app. And doctors can send their patients surveys to determine their satisfaction.

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