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iPad For Doctors

Apple hopes the iPad will become the point of care tool for doctors and patients. Designed with a large screen, which is perfect for viewing images and access to over 4,000 health and fitness apps at the AppStore, it offers many options for healthcare professionals.

The many health related applications include Epic‘s Haiku, a mobile electronic health record, designed to give physicians access to hospital patient lists, test results, notes and schedules.

Another app is Allscripts Remote, with Allscripts users can log into compatible electronic health records remotely, check vitals, patient summaries, contact info, and use e-prescribing.

In terms of e-prescribing the app eDr. Rx, a standalone browser-based e-prescribing solution, gives doctors the ability to send new prescriptions to local pharmacies and integrate prescription data.

In the hectic medical environment, doctors will appreciate the fact that all they have to do is turn the iPad turn on and it is ready to use.

To make the transition from iPhone to iPad easy, doctors currently using an iPhone can transfer already purchased apps from the iPhone to the iPad without paying for them a second time.

Proponents believe that the iPad offers portability, a touch screen and a web browser in a light package. It gives physicians everything they need at their fingertips. Many physicians believe that in time, an iPad could appear in the operating room to document the procedure. It is also seen as a great tool to use in the lab.

Since it is so user friendly, doctors could use the device at the bedside to make notes, or use it as a reference for medications.

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