Software Will Allow Patients To Pay Now, Not Later

If you are searching for a software solution that allows patients to pay their medical bills sooner than later, there may be an answer to your needs in the near future. Healthation recently developed a software program that develops an instant bill for patients visiting their doctor or hospital. Read more...

Cyber Scheduling

Scheduling a doctors appointment is considered, by some, to be one of the more frustrating aspects of the patient/doctor relationship.  Even though it does not take an enormous amount of time to schedule the appointment, many people perceive it as very time consuming.  A reason for this is because, many patients work during the day; and they find it frustrating to have to take time from their work schedule to phone the doctors office. This is especially true, if they are a new patient and have to provide insurance and contact information over the phone. Read more...

Time to Consider a Server?

At what point do you need to consider adding a server to better facilitate the needs of your medial practice? While answers to this question vary, the decision is ultimately up to you. Read more...

Web Based Transcription Service

The updating of patient files is a critical, but time consuming process.  No matter how quickly the doctor completes the dictation, there is always a lag time between when the audio files are turn into the transcription service and when the files are complete. Read more...

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