Tech Tips

Tech Tips (189)

Revenue Cycle Management

Revenue cycle management may sound like something only a hospital or large-scale practice would engage in but, that simply is not true. Any size practice can benefit from revenue cycle management. Read more...

Keep Your PDA Secure

With instant access to patient files, online test results and e-prescribing, the personal digital assistant has become the doctor’s number one resource. This tiny little device is a physician’s best friend, going anywhere and everywhere. Read more...

What Makes a Successful and Secure Health Information Exchange?

As patients and physicians demand health record portability and interoperability, more and more states are forming health information exchanges. Considering the sheer volume of data exchanged the amount of participants and the level of security required, it is no wonder that many states collaborate with large-scale health information technology vendors to plan and implement their health information exchanges. Read more...


Without a doubt, physicians understand that electronic health records are more efficient, and allow interoperability. It is also clear that the government is highly invested in the adoption of the electronic health record system. Read more...

Navigating HIPAA Compliance

You maybe wondering if your practice management software is all you need to be HIPAA compliant. After all, one of the goals of HIPAA is the use of electronic processes throughout the medical practice. Therefore, it would seem that using a fully integrated practice management system or an electronic medical record system would make you complaint with HIPAA requirements. Read more...

Google Health

You may have heard that earlier this year Google launched a website called Google Health. If you are wondering what exactly Google Health is and if it will have any effect on your practice, the following may shed some light on it for you. Read more...

Social Networking for Doctors

Some consider use of a social networking site such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Plurk a fundamental tool for their business. They use it to advertise, connect and collaborate. It is a wonder that anyone has time to keep up with all of them, especially busy doctors. Many professions such as lawyers, marketers and real estate agents have their own dedicated social networking sites. And, believe it or not, so do physicians, sites such as , , and are gaining in popularity with physicians. Even the Canadian Medical Association has launched their own physicians networking site, Asklepios. Read more...

Successful Health Information Exchanges

Most healthcare providers agree that Health Information Exchanges are changing the face of medicine. It has been proven that a successful Health Information Exchange enables doctors to reduce medication errors, cut overall healthcare costs and improve patient outcome. Read more...

Thin Clients

Medical offices have come to rely on computers.  Doctors now find that every aspect of their day is in some way connected to the computer; calendars are online, patient information is stored electronically and a lot of interaction with specialists and other medical support personnel is done via a computer. Read more...

Paperless Faxing

Busy practices are always on the lookout for ways to streamline their procedures. One way to increase efficiency and save time is to use paperless faxing, sometimes called digital faxing. Paperless faxing uses software such as Zetafax of WinFax to send documents from your computer to a fax machine. The hardware needed is a fax modem in your computer and a dedicated fax line. Read more...

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